Latest News

* Dtok Shower launched

* Dtok Shower launched

Dtok shower has been released. People in advanced countries have already been using home water purification systems for years. Now, you can remove chlorine from your water at a reasonable price and enjoy more pleasant showers and clean drinking water in your home.
* Why is Dtok Shower good?

* Why is Dtok Shower good?

The barley stone gushes out about 40 minerals that give energy to the human body and are good for metabolism, skin elasticity and aging prevention. Dtok showers also contain many other natural materials.
* Is tap water safe to drink?

* Is tap water safe to drink?

“Do you still use regular tap water? When tap water meets Dtok Cooking Water, it becomes spring water.” Drinking water/ Make jjigae, tang or soup/ Wash fruits or vegetables/ Wash rice/ Cook meat or fish